Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Target the Right Audience

When using direct mail, your current customers are your best audience. But prospects who have an interest or a need for what you are selling, can afford to buy it and may be motivated to buy now are your next best audience. Without a great mailing list you've wasted some of your direct mail dollars. It's better to spend a little more on a great targeted mailing list than to waste printing and postage costs on a mediocre one.

You will need to test different lists to find your best response and the correct audience. You can spend a fortune on the greatest mailing piece but what good is it if it's not in front of the right potential buyers? Effective lists will save you money and also make you money. Never stop looking for and testing new mailing lists to promote your products and services.
More on direct mail in chapter 6 of my new book "90 Days to Success as a Small Business Owner"

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