Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Promote until it Hurts !

Part of being a successful businessperson is the ability to believe in and promote your business and ideas. Some of us are better at it than others but that doesn't really matter. What does matter is that your are always looking for ways to bring your business/company into all your potential buyers minds. Even when business is good you must keep marketing and promoting because as history has taught us, there will always be slow times ahead. Peaks and valleys are just a normal part of business.

Once you get into the regular mode of promoting your company it actually becomes sort of fun. You get to see what works in the marketplace and what doesn't, it's a learning experience. What may be successful for a competitor may not work as well for you but allows you to come up with an even better idea. As long as you feel that your business has benefits for those who buy, keep promoting and watch the sales and profits grow. People won't know about you if you don't get out there and tell them. Oh, don't forget the smile while you're doing it.

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