Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Buy Your Umbrella When the Sun is Shining

Isn't it great when your business is doing well? You can't wait to get to work everyday to see how much you are going to make. If you worked hard and long for many years, you don't ever want to go back to those tough beginning times again. You hope to just keep making money at a fast pace and increase growth every year. That's the way it's going to be so let's go on a cruise and have some fun for two weeks.

This is why a small business person puts in all those hours at a low income to build a profitable business. If you stick to it and persevere, you finally reach the light at the end of the tunnel. But you don't really want to go back and travel that tunnel again, do you? So how do you keep from sliding back into the tough times when when staying in business was a real challenge?

You have to plan for the difficult times ahead, whether you think they are coming or not. It's sort of like going to the dentist to get your teeth cleaned. You may not see it's importance when you're doing it but you will wish you had if problems arise later. So pay down debt and buy future supplies when you have the money and you won't have to worry about them if things change in the future.

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