Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dirty Restaurant Bathroom

I have been hearing more lately that people are checking the bathroom of a restaurant that they go to for the first time. These can be fast food or sit down restaurants where they don't go often or never before. They will enter the establishment and before getting in line or just after seated go to the bathroom and check it out. If it is dirty, smelly and things laying around that shouldn't be they just leave and go somewhere else to eat. They feel that if the bathroom is dirty, the kitchen will be dirty and the food will be... you know. Why take the risk when are many other places to go.

This is a good way to let the restaurant know that patrons will not put up with conditions like this if they intend to eat there. Some people with smart phones are taking pictures of the dirty conditions and putting them on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other social media. People can find out before they even go there what the owner's preference is, dirt or clean. This is a great way we should all help each other avoid eating where you could get sick or get less than you are paying for. On the other hand if a bathroom is spotless it should be posted also to praise the owner. So restaurant owners SHAPE UP because we are watching you!

 Barry Thomsen speaker on marketing and customer satisfaction,

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