Thursday, August 26, 2010

Networking Suggestions

Effective networking is an important part of the marketing mix of every business. As long as you are attending a meeting you might as well get as much out of it as you can. Here are some suggestions to increase the the value of the time you spend at a meeting.
.Arrive at meetings/events early so there is time for networking and getting to know new people
.Print your first name very bold on your nametag with your last name under it
.Say a polite hello to anyone you know and quickly move on to those that you don't know
.Don't try to conduct business, set a future time to get back together
.Move close to a group talking and sort of eaves drop until you're invited to join in
.Keep a smile on your face even if it hurts
.Seek out others standing alone and extend your hand with a hello
.Offer your business card to anyone who will accept it
.If it's open seating select a table where you know less than half the people sitting there
.ALWAYS follow up promptly on any commitments you make

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