Friday, October 25, 2013

What Would Your Customers Say?

If someone took a survey of all your customers or clients and asked them questions about their experience when doing business with you, what would they say? Maybe that survey isn't happening but that's what they are asking themselves unconsciously every time they spend money with your business. They are mentally deciding whether to ever to come back again or to rave about you to their friends. Once they leave your store, office, hang up the phone or exit your website you can't change that impression they have on their mind.

Remember that old saying, "You only get one chance to make a first impression" and it's true. Except with customers that first impression comes every time they you are in contact with them. They will learn to expect a certain level of service from your business and if they don't get it, maybe they will try elsewhere. Let's face it, customers are fickle and you are only as good as your last successful transaction. You need to keep earning their trust and loyalty Every Time.

Don't ever assume that your front line staff is doing the job you expect of them as they interact with customers and clients. You must observe, train, supervise and remind them the importance of customer contact. Ask customers periodically what you can do to improve their satisfaction with your business and ALWAYS say Thank You after every transaction. Your business will grow with an
outstanding customer experience that generates loyalty and referrals.

Barry is a Customer Experience trainer, coach and speaker.

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