Saturday, October 19, 2013

Small Business Needs You

Small business owners and entrepreneurs need your business and loyalty to survive and grow. Unlike the big corporate giants, small businesss actually cares about it's customers, You. How many times have you seen them break the rules and procedures to help a customer or client who wanted something a little different. Ask a big company to change something and you get, "Sorry, we don't do that" (maybe without the sorry). Support small business anywhere in the world and you will be served with a smile and know that what you're paying is going to good use.

A good method to follow is the weekly 3 point system. Every time you purchase, order or use a small business you get 1 point for that week. A franchise which is individually owned but corporate controlled gets only a 1/2 point. Do your best to go beyond that 3 points in a week and closer to 5 points when possible. There is usually a small business option to what you want to buy or use for you family or your own business. An idependent insurance agency is small business where New York Life or MET is not. Look for the independent business that really cares about you and ignore the advertising blast from the big guys.

Many of these owners have sacrificed a lot to start and stay in business while the big corporations are giving golden parachutes to it's executives. Small companies need your business and will do what it takes to keep it while the big guys could care less and just blast us with more discount deals to lure us back in. Tell small business owners what will make you more satisfied and what new products and services you would like to see, they will listen. And always use a local bank for your personal and business accounts because they will also help local business grow.

Barry is a business coach that works by-the-hour, no contracts helping businesses start, grow and solve problems.

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