Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cheap Marketing Ideas

When marketing funds are tight you still need to find ways of promoting your business. Your creative ideas applied to proven methods will keep new & repeat business coming in. Here are some ways to consider that require little or no capital.

.Cross Promotion-Set up a referral group that wants sales from the same target market but are not competitors.
.Positive Publicity-Write articles, speak to target groups and volunteer with your company logo & name showing. Generate word-of-mouth publicity.
.Treat Customers Like Dogs- create a WOW factor with your busines and treat them as good as we treat our pets. Outstanding service is the minimum.
.Direct Mail-yes it still works and can be an inexpensive way to stay in contact with customers & prospects.
.Find a Better Way-there is always something new that can boost sales and recognition for your business. Don't let competitors beat you to it. Small improved changes can increase value and your sales.

You must keep marketing in good & bad times so using methods that are proven and "cheap" will get you farther ahead and closer to your goals.

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