Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What Comfort Zone ?

If you ask people what they would like to accomplish in their lives, most would have an answer that they know is out of reach for them. The goal would not be unreasonable but the effort to reach it would be outside their personal comfort zone. You know, that box you put around yourself where you know you are safe and the chances of anything bad happening is minimal. Some people won't even admit they are living in a comfort zone and say that they just have bad luck or no luck!

All the new opportunities are outside the walls of your comfort zone but there is also risk. The risk can be that an opposite effect will happen or just plain failure. Some people have such a fear of failure that they will not take a chance on becoming what they really want to be. Life is like an onion, you keep peeling off layers of it and sometimes you cry. The successful people take that risk to reach goals they really want and unsuccessful people just sit there and watch them.

Don't live a life of "Buts" because you will never get any closer to what you really want and your goals. And certainly not any closer to you dreams which could come true if you have the tenacity to pursue them aggressively. Stop using "but", "I can't", "I'll wait" and take a calculated risk to improve yourself and get out of the comfort zone that is holding you back. The last chapter of you life is not written yet so you still have a chance to realize those dreams and goals that you always wanted.

Barry is a business speaker & consultant.  www.idealetter.com

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