Monday, January 13, 2014

Leadership Ideas

Some people mistakenly believe that because they have a title or position that makes them a leader. A real leader is defined by the ones they lead and the ability to produce results. Leaders who excel help people to develop their skills and become better team members. The goal of a leader is to create more leaders not create followers. Telling a subordinate to do something that they are not qualified or trained to do is useless. It's like telling a donkey to climb a tree, it's not going to happen. Find the niche skill that your team members have and let them use that skill to the benefit of reaching the team goal.

The best teams are not always made up of the best people but a combination of people who work well together. If the team is made up of all stars who is going to be the support and backup for those stars? Define the best team members and give them the goals that need to be reached and let them do it without constant supervision. Someone on the team will step up on their own and guide the group. Give praise when it's due but don't overdo it or futher progress may not be made. Leaders can grow from any position on the team.

Barry is a speaker, author and business consultant.

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