Thursday, May 30, 2013

Strategic Business Planning

There is no such thing as just writing down a goal and visualizing it, and expecting some miraculous result. Or adding affirmations, or powerful quotes, or any sort of voodoo you wish, and expecting your goal to be realized. It's just not going to happen.

Think about some of the great wars, and especially world war two, and imagine if General Eisenhower, who was the Allied Commander, just gave some speculative plan to the allied forces and said, “let's try this plan”. It took a massive amount of strategic planning to clearly define their objective, which turned out to be, to storm the beaches of Normandy. Once that was set, they then drew up a detailed strategic plan to accompany that objective. When that was finished, he outlined a tactical plan that would support the two prior plans.

If this plan had failed, all of Europe would have been under enemy control, and thus would have changed the world as we know it today. The bottom line is, nothing of any major importance should ever be undertaken without completing a goal planning process, as indicated above.

The startup business might be successful for a short period, but without a clearly defined vision and goals that are meticulously written and totally understood by all business participants, the success will be short lived. It’s quite amazing that intelligent people, who have started a small business and outlined a brilliant business plan, have never really learned the exact process of setting and accomplishing goals.

In summation, if you want to have a successful startup, you must set the right goals. In addition to that, you must be using the correct basic formula in establishing and executing those goals.

By James Egan

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