Monday, June 16, 2014

Relationship Marketing

You may have heard this term recently because it's the new way to create customer/client loyalty. To get that long term customer to purchase from you over and over again there needs to be a relationship that makes you different from all other competitors. Making the customer feel like you are in business to just serve them and no one else is important. They take that with them every time they leave your store/business, hang up the phone or exit your website. Let them also take the feeling that you really care if they come back.

You can get that relationship started by learning their buying habits and not giving them the "Robot Treatment" that every customer gets. This is usually not done at franchise fast food restaurants and other places that customers just bring items to the check-out counter. But some chain stores like Ace Hardware, The Ritz Carlton and others try to make that connection and build a relationship whenever possible. To start a customer-seller relationship omit the robot treatment, get to know their name and what they purchase most often. Then at each encounter add a little more to the relationship the way they want it.

Barry is a marketing speaker and business author.

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