Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Go the Extra Mile or Two

We have heard that we need to give more than is expected or "Go the extra mile" if we want customers and clients to become loyal to our business and even send referrals. Every business sector has the opportunity to do this but you don't find the answer in any book or college course. Some of it is just common sense and others are doing what customers expect plus a little extra. Sure it takes more effort and if you don't feel like doing it, then plan on losing some of the loyalty and maybe even the customer. There may be a competitor out there who will do it and build their business with your lost customers.

One example is an auto repair and maintenance shop in Worcester, Mass that has built their business on giving the extra service instead of using high priced advertising. When someone has car problems and calls the shop, the first question is whether it's still running or not. If the car won't run he asks where it is and says someone will be right over to look at it. This saves an expensive tow charge or use of an auto club card and gets action faster. If possible they will fix on the spot or at least find a way to get it to the shop the least expensive way. Most customers can't believe this service but never forget it.

They also never lie to a customer or mislead them about a problem. If it's just a minor thing like a fuse or turn signal light they may even fix it quickly for no charge. The surprised customer always comes back when routine maintenance is need and a profit is made then. When a car is in the shop and they notice something else is needed like a little oil or window washer fluid it is also usually filled free. He never has to explain why the bill is higher but rather gets to tell the customer what he did extra at no charge. Ideas like this can be found in any business if you really want to do them.

Barry Thomsen is a Customer Experience and Marketing speaker who can be at your next event.

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