Thursday, January 3, 2013

Take the Lead

When you are introduced to speak at a large or small group or even a business meeting, you are being put in charge. Once you take the stage, lectern, podium or head chair at a conference table you are now the leader. You were given that position for a reason and everyone there expects you to be their leader. Recognize this and take the lead from that moment until you are finished.

When you are speaking to a group or at a meeting everyone there wants you to lead and also be successful. There is nothing more annoying or distracting than watching a speaker fumble or look uncomfortable, it makes the audience also feel uneasy. You will be more interesting, informative and easy to understand if you show the confidence as the leader of the group. Oh, and don't forget to smile, it's not that bad!

Barry is a speaker, trainer and business coach

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