Sunday, October 12, 2014

Is Your Business Awesome?

We hear a lot of  young people using the word "awesome" lately so why not use it to create a better customer service experience in your business. The dictionary says that awesome means; inspiring, outstanding and overwhelming and those are the terms you want clients and customers to use when referring to your business. Keeping that image is not always easy but if you work on it every day and get your staff to believe in it, the results may surprise you. Your sales and profits will continually grow and customers can't wait to tell friends about your business and why they should go there and keep going there.

Many companies have been around many years and have not always kept up with technology but they did keep their service at a high level. People would begin to think that there is no other place to spend their hard-earned money and they would catch up on technology later. And others, who just pushed their low prices and poor service are now only names in the history books. Low prices mean low margins and there must be a lot of sales to provide the capital needed to pay expenses and employees. But the cost of outstanding service is not measured by money but by dedication, hiring, training and employee appreciation. It seems that  being "awesome" over a long period of time provides better results than low prices.

Barry is a Customer Experience and marketing speaker and trainer.

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