Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Different Types of Speakers

Keynote... The main speech of a meeting to the entire group by an expert and is usually 30 to 90 minutes

Breakout session... Where meeting attendees learn more about the main topic and usually lasts 45 to 90 minutes. Several breakout sessions may be run simultaneously.

Presentation... Gives a team the latest information on a specific topic and uses visual aids and literature. Can last from 1 hour to several hours.

Seminar... Program that covers a specific facet of a topic and can have interaction with the group. It usually lasts several hours.

Workshop... Similiar to a seminar but with more attendee participation and can have hands-on exercises. Can last from 1 to 3 days.

Training... Seminars and workshops conducted for a specific client group or employees. Most last 1 to 2 days.

Public seminar... Open to the general public who may or may not pay a fee to attend. Offered on a specific topic that is of interest to a larger audience. It is usually last 1 day but can be longer.

Barry is a professional speaker on business marketing and The Customer Experience, www.idealetter.com

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