Sunday, August 11, 2013

Network Correctly ?

I go to many business and networking group meetings, several every week, and I am amazed at how many people don't present themselves correctly. We are all there to spread the word on what we do and hope that others there will remember us when a referral comes along. Building our business or organization is why we spend the time and money to participate at all. But if it's all one-sided. are you really getting any benefit and should you continue to attend?

When talking to people at these meetings I notice that many (not all) of them can't wait to rattle on about how great they are and why you should buy or refer people to buy their products or services. With some of them it's hard to get a word in before you have to go on to the next one; are they afraid you might challenge what they said. I like when people challenge what I have said because it gives me a chance to respond or figure out how I can better present myself.

The correct way to network (in my opinion) is to have a discussion, not a sales pitch which many times just goes in one ear and out the other. Find out about the person first, then what they do, sell or promote. If I am not comfortable with the person I could never be optimistic about what business or organization they represent. If they don't give you a chance to explain what you do in the first 2 minutes maybe it's time to tune them out and move on. Networking can greatly increase your business, IF done the correct way. I would like to read your comments on this.

Barry is a business speaker, international author of 6 business books, and helps people start and grow a business or franchise.

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