Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Write Engaging Emails

How to write engaging emails starts with the realization that the world does not revolve around your product or service. I know it may be hard to believe, but the world doesn’t even revolve around mine. Once you get past that little revelation, we can move forward.You see, to learn how to write engaging emails is all about engaging the reader.

Picture yourself inside a crowded mall in a big city at Christmas. From across the way you hear someone shout your name. Now, intellectually, you probably recognize that at that particular moment there are several, or perhaps even dozens of people with your name, but you will likely strain your neck to see who is calling “you”.

The same principle works with your emails. Your readers know they are not the only ones getting your email. The more you can make them feel like they are however, the more they will try to hear your message. How to write engaging emails? Let’s take a closer look.

Know your audience. Think about who they are, what they know, what they don’t know and what it is that they want. If they are athletes you likely won’t want to include Mamma’s 2700 calorie home-made lasagna recipe. If they are CEO’s then your tips on changing your own motor oil will probably fall flat. Think constantly about who your audience is. If you don’t know, try a survey.

Survey your readers. Ask them about themselves and what type of content they would find helpful. Ask them what areas of their personal or business life they need help with. What type of comments are you getting on Facebook and what do your friends “look” like? The more you know about your readers and engage their ideas, the better your emails will target them.

Be the one to introduce them to trends in the industry. Many engaging emails introduce a new product, service or trend to the reader. Readers love being the first to know. This will also increase your odds of having your email shared with others.

Relate your content to their wants and needs. If you want to know the secret to how to write engaging emails, focus on your readers’ desires and needs. Help them save time or money, improve their health, increase their market share, have better relationships, or entertain them. If you can help them in several of those areas you probably had them at “hello”.

Finally, let them know you are there to help. You don’t always need to be closing a sale. If you can help, help. Sometimes we get all wrapped up in the statistics of our business and we can forget we are here to help each other. That simply helping friends, is perhaps the most engaging part of all.

Writing engaging emails is the key to keeping your open rates up. It only takes one one relevant email to tarnish your open rates. Time is the number one asset in the world. Some may say money is, however you can make more money but not more time. Writing an email to your subscribers that does not resonate with their interests is a violation that will cost you. Always, always, proof your emails and ask yourself, Does reading this email make me cooler or does reading this email make me smarter. To keep your open rates up and your subscribers feeling special it must meet one of these two requirements.
Source: The Client Touch

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